Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Damn BoW WoW

A few quotes from Bow Wow's interview from Giant Magazine started showing up online implying that Bow Wow regrets the two are no-longer a couple. Bow Wow told Giant magazine “Angela Simmons is the love of my life. She’s a young black woman doing it real big. She’s a CEO of a company at 21 years old and a good role model for kids.”

On Global Grind Angela replied to Bow Wow's love jones with a dismissive shrug stating, "I just want to shut down any rumors about my relationships because you know how that can get. I am currently in the best relationship i have ever been in and MY boyfriend lives in texas. so thats all i will say about that. Any person i have talked to in the past I wish them the best. " Damn Bow wezzy!

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