Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A.I.'s Bodyguard Is A Beast

After a judge ruled that Allen Iverson had to pay $260,000 to a man in the D.C. area after he recieved a beat down from A.I.'s bodyguards, another guy is claiming to have gotten the same treatment from A.I.'s goonnies.

This dude from Ohio is claiming Allen Iverson’s bodyguard attacked him Saturday night while he was at a birthday party in Detroit. Guy Walker told Local 4 he was at the South Beach Pizza Bar when A.I. showed up. "Everybody was excited because A.I. is a superstar to many," Walker said. He also said that he's followed A.I.'S career for years. Walker said he was among a group of people in the restaurant who were trying to get autographs from Iverson. "I was like, 'AI, what's going on? He was ignoring me," Walker said. "So I was like ok whatever and went back to my table. "Walker said A.I.'s bodyguard started to give him a hard time and words were exchanged back and forth. As he turned to walk away, Walker said the guy hit him. "We were just staring back at each other. And just as I was about to turn, I just felt this horrible pain in my eye," Walker said. "I didn't throw one single punch at him him, I didn't raise my hand or anything."Walker had to go to Henry Ford Hospital where he received nine stitches.

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