Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chris Brown At It Again

Come on chris! Last Saturday Chris Brown was seen coming out of a tattoo parlor with his supposed to be ex girl, Chris Brown people were like, 'Yes Chris was at a parlor but not with his ex girl'. They said the girl photographed following Chris out of the parlor was with someone else in Chris' camp. but here comes the leak,( his publicist leaked) that the girl was Brown's ex from back home. Hmmm!! now the girl, who turned out to be Natalie Mejia from the Pussy Cat Dolls, said to the, “It’s true we did visit a tattoo parlor but I can’t tell if we got anything done because that is personal” she also said that “things are going well between us but I really dont want to comment more than that right now”. she also says that Chris “has been nothing but a gentleman at all times and i have no complaints”.

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